-- Personal Information --
- Daniel Kornstad
- 19
Country of Residence:
- Norway
- Currently looking for work. Just finished my 13th year at school this summer, so taking a break from studies for a while now.
Internet connection specs(up and down speed, IF YOU DISCONNECT REGULARLY DON'T BOTHER):
- I'm not really sure here, I'm paying for a 20mbit connection, but I didn't order it, so I don't really know. I ran a test at Speedtest.net, though, and it recorded: 16.42 mb/s down and 1.42 mb/s up.
Computer specification:
- It's a 3 year old homebuildt system. Looking to upgrade when I find work - tired of running 25mans with everything set on low graphics.
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000
RAM: 4Gb - Don't remember what type it is, and I don't remember where I put the note where I wrote what type it was.
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
What do you do outside of WoW:
- What? Outside of WoW? I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Do you mean to tell me that there is a place other than the Warcraft universe? That you can just, kind of like click a button to exit and do something other than kill things? Next you're probably gonna tell me there are purple birds that tapdance? (Hmmm, that would be cool.)
-- In-game information --
- Taiph
- Undead
- Priest
Specc(Motivate your talent choices):
- Discipline. I'm not really sure what you're asking here. I'm going with why I chose my spec. I've been tanking since early TBC, and played a mage before that, so I wanted to try healing. Leveled a shammy to 80, but didn't really like that. Then I leveled a druid to 71, but since I hate leveling more than I hate the mice in my kitchen drawer that keeps pooping in my food, I gave up. Finally decided to level a priest, because I hate playing against them in pvp. Hit 80, went disc for pvp, and ended up with pvp and pve disc spec. Havent tried anything else yet.
What glyphs do you use and why?
- I have Glyph of PW:S. That one is a no brainer. I'm already spamming shields like there is no tomorrow, so why not have them heal 20% of the amount absorbed on impact? After that is Glyph of Penance. Even though my Penance doesn't amount to much of my total healing, having it off CD is great for bursting up people after shielding them. Then I basically have two to choose from. Glyph of Prayer of Mending and Glyph of FoL. PoM isnt nearly as good in 25s as it is in 10s, so I went with FoL.
Profession skill:(Why did you choose these?)
- Engineering and skilling Tailoring atm. Went with Engi because I've never tried it, and I wanted to test it out. I also wanted to do some pvp, so it seemed like a good choice. And there are tons of situations where the nitro boots come in handy. Tailoring mostly for moneymaking and the cloak enchant.
Current and previous guild(s) and your reason for leaving:
- No current guild. Synergy, ally side on Arathor EU. Left Synergy because I had was in my final months in my final year at school. We raided 5 hours every day and 7 on Sundays, and I really didn't have time for it with all the exams going on. So I quit wow for a couple months.
Current server:
- Sunstrider
Character profile: <Armory>
- http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sunstrider&cn=Taiph
User Interface:
- http://tinypic.com/r/25qrbjs/4
Thats LUI v3, tweaked a bit for personal preferences.
Alts worth mentioning:
- http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Arathor&cn=Kuz
That's my warrior, which I was in Synergy with and have played since early TBC.
-- Raiding --
What kind of experience do you have? Vanilla/tbc/Wotlk (List everything, and NO if you cleared BT in wotlk it doesent count)
- ZG
- MC
- Ony
- AQ20
- first boss in AQ40
- first boss in BWL
- Kara
- ZA
- Gruul
- Lurker in SSC
- VR in TK
- Everything except Mimiron, Vezaxx, Yogg, Algalon and LK and Halion. Quit wow when we were wiping LK. Had him at 30% or something in 10s. That was before the 5% buff. Havent had a guild since Ruby Sanctum, so havent been there yet. Do know the tactics, though.
How do you prepare for new content?
- I don't. I've already played it! (I have beta.)
Well, I read up on tactics if there are any yet, buy comsumeables like always, and get my updates from mmo-champ.
Why do you like raiding?
- I like the feeling u get after killing that damn boss after wiping for 4 weeks.
Which days can you normally attend, if not, why:
Wednesday 19-22:30 Yes
Thursday: 19-22:30 Yes
Sunday: 19-22:30 Yes
Monday: 19-22:30 Yes
-- Mandatory questions --
- Name 2 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability:
- Elitistjerks.com for its fantastic theorycrafting. I go there alot because I don't know where and how the hell they get the numbers. Mmo-champion.com for the updates.
- Do you have a microphone? (If the answer is "no", stop here)
- Yes
- Can your computer run Ventrilo? (If the answer is "no", stop here)
- Yes
- Are you a keyboard turner?
- I have an eery feeling I wont be accepted if I answer yes here. So no. I do need a new mouse, though.
- What is your greatest weakness as a WoW player?
- I tend to tunnel vision grid alot while healing. It has gotn alot better with pvping on the priest, but I still tend to do it now and then.
- What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player?
- I have cookies?
- What is your pvp experience:
- Not very good, but I'm currently in a 2s team with a priest and rogue and a 3s team with the same priest and rogue. Hopefully we'll get it going.
- Favourite artist/band:
- L80ETC? I usually listen to some sort of heavy metal, but I find myself listening to some pvp techno now and then. I also do alot of just laying down in bed, listening to some classical music or something by Hans Zimmer or similar musicians.
- Favourite movies:
- Rose Red, maybe? I like Stephen Kings alot.
- Cookies or bananas:
- What's your favorite kind of pie?
- I've actually never had pie, and it seems like too much stress to make. I also live alone, so I don't have anyone I can force to make it for me. God damnit, where are all the women when you need them? Atleast not in my kitchen.
Looking forward for your reply.
- Taiph / Daniel
- Daniel Kornstad
- 19
Country of Residence:
- Norway
- Currently looking for work. Just finished my 13th year at school this summer, so taking a break from studies for a while now.
Internet connection specs(up and down speed, IF YOU DISCONNECT REGULARLY DON'T BOTHER):
- I'm not really sure here, I'm paying for a 20mbit connection, but I didn't order it, so I don't really know. I ran a test at Speedtest.net, though, and it recorded: 16.42 mb/s down and 1.42 mb/s up.
Computer specification:
- It's a 3 year old homebuildt system. Looking to upgrade when I find work - tired of running 25mans with everything set on low graphics.
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000
RAM: 4Gb - Don't remember what type it is, and I don't remember where I put the note where I wrote what type it was.
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
What do you do outside of WoW:
- What? Outside of WoW? I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Do you mean to tell me that there is a place other than the Warcraft universe? That you can just, kind of like click a button to exit and do something other than kill things? Next you're probably gonna tell me there are purple birds that tapdance? (Hmmm, that would be cool.)
-- In-game information --
- Taiph
- Undead
- Priest
Specc(Motivate your talent choices):
- Discipline. I'm not really sure what you're asking here. I'm going with why I chose my spec. I've been tanking since early TBC, and played a mage before that, so I wanted to try healing. Leveled a shammy to 80, but didn't really like that. Then I leveled a druid to 71, but since I hate leveling more than I hate the mice in my kitchen drawer that keeps pooping in my food, I gave up. Finally decided to level a priest, because I hate playing against them in pvp. Hit 80, went disc for pvp, and ended up with pvp and pve disc spec. Havent tried anything else yet.
What glyphs do you use and why?
- I have Glyph of PW:S. That one is a no brainer. I'm already spamming shields like there is no tomorrow, so why not have them heal 20% of the amount absorbed on impact? After that is Glyph of Penance. Even though my Penance doesn't amount to much of my total healing, having it off CD is great for bursting up people after shielding them. Then I basically have two to choose from. Glyph of Prayer of Mending and Glyph of FoL. PoM isnt nearly as good in 25s as it is in 10s, so I went with FoL.
Profession skill:(Why did you choose these?)
- Engineering and skilling Tailoring atm. Went with Engi because I've never tried it, and I wanted to test it out. I also wanted to do some pvp, so it seemed like a good choice. And there are tons of situations where the nitro boots come in handy. Tailoring mostly for moneymaking and the cloak enchant.
Current and previous guild(s) and your reason for leaving:
- No current guild. Synergy, ally side on Arathor EU. Left Synergy because I had was in my final months in my final year at school. We raided 5 hours every day and 7 on Sundays, and I really didn't have time for it with all the exams going on. So I quit wow for a couple months.
Current server:
- Sunstrider
Character profile: <Armory>
- http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sunstrider&cn=Taiph
User Interface:
- http://tinypic.com/r/25qrbjs/4
Thats LUI v3, tweaked a bit for personal preferences.
Alts worth mentioning:
- http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Arathor&cn=Kuz
That's my warrior, which I was in Synergy with and have played since early TBC.
-- Raiding --
What kind of experience do you have? Vanilla/tbc/Wotlk (List everything, and NO if you cleared BT in wotlk it doesent count)
- ZG
- MC
- Ony
- AQ20
- first boss in AQ40
- first boss in BWL
- Kara
- ZA
- Gruul
- Lurker in SSC
- VR in TK
- Everything except Mimiron, Vezaxx, Yogg, Algalon and LK and Halion. Quit wow when we were wiping LK. Had him at 30% or something in 10s. That was before the 5% buff. Havent had a guild since Ruby Sanctum, so havent been there yet. Do know the tactics, though.
How do you prepare for new content?
- I don't. I've already played it! (I have beta.)
Well, I read up on tactics if there are any yet, buy comsumeables like always, and get my updates from mmo-champ.
Why do you like raiding?
- I like the feeling u get after killing that damn boss after wiping for 4 weeks.
Which days can you normally attend, if not, why:
Wednesday 19-22:30 Yes
Thursday: 19-22:30 Yes
Sunday: 19-22:30 Yes
Monday: 19-22:30 Yes
-- Mandatory questions --
- Name 2 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability:
- Elitistjerks.com for its fantastic theorycrafting. I go there alot because I don't know where and how the hell they get the numbers. Mmo-champion.com for the updates.
- Do you have a microphone? (If the answer is "no", stop here)
- Yes
- Can your computer run Ventrilo? (If the answer is "no", stop here)
- Yes
- Are you a keyboard turner?
- I have an eery feeling I wont be accepted if I answer yes here. So no. I do need a new mouse, though.
- What is your greatest weakness as a WoW player?
- I tend to tunnel vision grid alot while healing. It has gotn alot better with pvping on the priest, but I still tend to do it now and then.
- What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player?
- I have cookies?
- What is your pvp experience:
- Not very good, but I'm currently in a 2s team with a priest and rogue and a 3s team with the same priest and rogue. Hopefully we'll get it going.
- Favourite artist/band:
- L80ETC? I usually listen to some sort of heavy metal, but I find myself listening to some pvp techno now and then. I also do alot of just laying down in bed, listening to some classical music or something by Hans Zimmer or similar musicians.
- Favourite movies:
- Rose Red, maybe? I like Stephen Kings alot.
- Cookies or bananas:
- What's your favorite kind of pie?
- I've actually never had pie, and it seems like too much stress to make. I also live alone, so I don't have anyone I can force to make it for me. God damnit, where are all the women when you need them? Atleast not in my kitchen.
Looking forward for your reply.
- Taiph / Daniel